Ipswich Uniting Church is a congregation of the Uniting Church in Australia. We receive the books of the Old and New Testament as the inspired word of God, through which our faith and obedience are nourished and enabled.

We affirm to the Uniting Church’s Basis of Union. https://assembly.uca.org.au/images/stories/Regulations/2012/Basis1992.pdf

Our Mission

Growing together and reaching out to make disciples of Christ

Our Vision

To be a church of growth: living our values in a way that sees us grow in discipleship, faith, mission, size, and influence in order to preach the gospel in Ipswich and the world. Relying fully on God’s grace, we will grow together in every way that God calls us.

Our Values

• Relational
• Inclusive
• Future focussed
• Innovative
• Justice oriented
• Grace filled

Our Foundations


We affirm God’s faithfulness, expressed in Jesus Christ, and confirmed to us by the Holy Spirit, and continue to grow in our trust of God. As we trust the Lord our God, we are becoming more courageous and vulnerable in deepening our relationships of love and trust with one another.


We are called to follow Jesus’ example, not to be served but to serve one another compassionately in a unified community. We have the responsibility to serve God’s world, locally and globally. God has given us the gifts and talents to creatively enable us to develop a culture of servanthood.


We believe that we are all empowered to share the journey of Christian mission to our communities and the world. We are called to reach out, communicate and influence our community through our actions and words that God can bring hope and grace to our world.

Faithful Commitment

As an exercise of spiritual discipline, and community, our members attend church regularly and demonstrate their faith by actively participating in activities run by their local worshiping community. In doing so, we display a strong sense of belonging and witness.

Care for One Another

We believe that as the body of Christ, caring for one another is an important aspect of discipleship and church life. Through intercessory prayer, support for families, as well as intentional welcome and inclusion, we build each other up.

Biblical Witness

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we acclaim the Old and New Testament Scriptures as the unique prophetic and apostolic testimony that guide our worship, witness, and service. We lay hold of the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion as signs of God’s grace and faithfulness, as revealed in the Scriptures.


Our Strategic Priorities


Growing together

We will grow together in community so that we can encourage each other in discipleship.
Our impact will be seen in an increase in average weekly worship attendance of 5 – 10% annually.

Reaching out

As an expression of our discipleship, we will love and serve others locally, nationally, and internationally.
Our impact will be seen through each service and outreach activity of our church having a stated in (community), out (service), up (worship/devotion) dimension.

Making disciples

In response to Jesus’ Great Commission, we will create opportunities for people to hear and respond to the gospel.
Our impact will be seen in 50 new commitments to Jesus Christ by 2033.

Our strategic engagement

We will be a multi-generational church with a primary focus on family ministry.

Contact Us

Ipswich Uniting Church


Address:- Cnr. Glebe Road and Eileen Street, Booval. 4304.


      Phone:-  07 32021700.

