Mainly Music 
Mainly Music is run on Thursday mornings, during school term, from 9:30 am. Mainly music is a fun music group for parents or primary care givers to enjoy together with their young child. Throughout the session, children develop gross and fine motor skills, language, imagination, mathematical and pre-reading skills as well as socialise with others. It is a great time together! You can find out more at www.mainlymusic.org.
Mainly Music meets at Cnr.Eileen Street & Glebe Road, Booval.
UnitingKids is run every Friday during school term from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. UnitingKids offers playtime, with craft, toys, food and singing, for pre-school age kids (0-5) and their mums, dads, grandparents and carers. There is no charge to attend.
Uniting Kids meets at 75 Limestone St, Ipswich.
Please like our Facebook page and get in touch if you’d like to come along.
Xtreme is our Sunday morning program during our 10.30am Service for children from 18 months through to Grade 6.
Creche is a safe and nurturing place for our Toddlers aged 12 months to children Pre-Prep/Kindy age to experience and learn about God through Bible stories, singing and play based activities each week.
Prep to Yr 6 children are involved each week in Bible stories, singing, games and craft to learn more about God and his immense love and life for them.
Xtreme meets at Corner Eileen Street & Glebe Road, Booval. 4304.
Family Fun Day
Family Fun Day is a FREE activity-based program aimed at engaging families with children 0-12yrs. This family event is run once in the earlier half of the year on a Saturday morning to allow the whole family to participate. The morning usually includes activities such as singing, stories, craft and other age-appropriate activities. The morning concludes with a morning tea which is an opportunity for families to meet and connect with other families.
Swich is run every Friday night during school term, from 7pm. It is a designated time for youth in years 6 to 12 to hang out with each other in a supported environment. Friendship, activities, food and faith development are key aspects of the night.
Swich meets at Corner Eileen Street & Glebe Road Booval. 4305
Safe Ministry with Children Policy
Our team of dedicated leaders are all blue card holders and must abide by the Policies and Codes of Conduct for working with Children. They are accredited in Safe Ministry with Children to lead your children in the safest possible way. This training is renewed by attendance at refresher courses every 2 years.
Risk assessments are undertaken for all activities and are approved by Church Council.
We utilise a sign in and sign out process for all our Children and Youth programs.
Ipswich Uniting Church
Address:- Cnr. Glebe Road and Eileen Street, Booval. 4304.
Phone:- 07 32021700.