Welcome to Ipswich Uniting Church.

We hope that you will find a place to belong here.


Easter Service Times


I’m new ..

We believe in making it as easy as possible for you to belong. We understand that it can be daunting to join any group of people. We will try to make you feel at home. If there is something particular you need for you to belong, please speak to one of our greeters or a member of the ministry team.   click here to read more


Ipswich Uniting Church meets for worship each Sunday.

Children & Youth

Ipswich UC has strong programmes for our children and youth.

Community Connections

Touch points within our city..

Going Deeper

Small Groups – growing deeper in faith.

Ipswich Uniting Church


Address:- Cnr. Glebe Road and Eileen Street, Booval. 4304.


      Phone:-  07 32021700.

